Thursday, 9 October 2008

Thankful Thursday No 3

"This is the day the Lord has made..." Psalm 118:24

He made it and isn't it just a wonderful day! Yes it is. It's Thursday and I have had my exam and I feel a lot better about it than I felt this time last week.

So I am thankful to God for getting me through this exam without losing my senses.

I am thankful to God for my mum - she is well....... words are not enough - anyway she is seventy next birthday and had a physical and has no diabetes, no cholesterol, no blood pressure and she is enjoying life. She needs to lose some weight though so she's bought herself an exercise bike!!

She is a woman who believes in the ability of God to do all things and she has passed that on to me. She had to bring up five of us on her own and things weren't easy but she made it so that we were never aware of hard things were. She was and is faithful to her God and I believe that God rewards faithfulness in different ways and I believe her health is just one of those ways.

I am thankful for my husband who I love coming home to, sharing things with, laughing with and being with.

Thankful for my beautiful children, who bring real joy - and challenge - to my life. I learn so much from them. 'Just chill' is good advice sometimes.

I am thankful to God for His grace, for loving someone like me.

Thanks to Iris By Grace Alone for the Thankful Thursday Inspiration.

Pray one for another. We need it


Denise said...

Praise God for helping you through your exam sweetie. I am so glad that your sweet mom is healthy and happy. Be blessed.

Marsha said...

I'm new to your blog. I guess I need to go back and see what you are studying.

I see you are in TN. I'm in Western NC. I do my shopping in Knoxville - my closest shopping area other than Wal-Mart.

Thank you for sharing your Thankful Heart.

The other Marsha

TheSmellyArmpit said...

HI! That is one of my favorite verses to sing in the morning when I get up... This is the day the Lord has made!
Thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad your exam went well and you can breath a sigh of relief. Thanks for dropping by our Front Porch.